Odeon of Herodes Atticus is located near by Acropolis of Athens and Parthenon Temple, which is a valuable place to stop by. In addition to those traditional festivels in thousands years ago, this place also has many intresting activities to participate in nowadays.
Odeon of Herodes Atticus
Odeon of Herodes Atticus
When it comes to one of the most oldest theatres you can find in the world, Oden of Herodes Atticus cannot be missed. It is built in AD 161 renovated in 1950, which means it is still used today. Although it is located in Greece, it was built as a Roman theatre by Herodes Atticus, who was a very wealthy philosopher in ancient Greece. However, the buliding was destroyed during the envasion of Heruli in AD 267, less than a century since it had been built. The remnants of theatre was found in 1857, and was completely repaired in 1950s.